my sister turns thirty today.
shes my little sister, too, so thats cool for feeling youthful and shit.
falafel, yo.
ive been on an unsupported quasi-fasting experience.
a ferocious raw food asshole exploder in the a.m. (its juice, with pollen and cacao and shit[and shit].....and raspberries)
and coffee, yo.
and a falafel a day...
intake of 1000 or less calories....
my head hurts and my pants dont fit.....
next stop christian bale, baby. ( in 'the mechanic')
why do lameass artfuck haircuts all look hitleresque? seriously, front face combovers?
the gayest person in the world called, and he said you look really great....
hard cocktober.
sober octoberfest.
root fucking beers.
bon fucking fires.
and my oldest seed ripens up to age 7.
lucky lucky lucky.........
misfires and misconceptions, yo.
broken volvos and faulty valves, fuel and aortic.
hearts break, and then attack, so fight the fuck back:
hit them in the head.
uno out.
shes my little sister, too, so thats cool for feeling youthful and shit.
falafel, yo.
ive been on an unsupported quasi-fasting experience.
a ferocious raw food asshole exploder in the a.m. (its juice, with pollen and cacao and shit[and shit].....and raspberries)
and coffee, yo.
and a falafel a day...
intake of 1000 or less calories....
my head hurts and my pants dont fit.....
next stop christian bale, baby. ( in 'the mechanic')
why do lameass artfuck haircuts all look hitleresque? seriously, front face combovers?
the gayest person in the world called, and he said you look really great....
hard cocktober.
sober octoberfest.
root fucking beers.
bon fucking fires.
and my oldest seed ripens up to age 7.
lucky lucky lucky.........
misfires and misconceptions, yo.
broken volvos and faulty valves, fuel and aortic.
hearts break, and then attack, so fight the fuck back:
hit them in the head.
uno out.

motherfuckers always trying to sell me bags, not falafel
that whole crew is deep into icp now, hard times
theyd make a good frontline though, just hand em bombs and send em toward the flesh getters
Still not into the guns idea.. I didnt even know you could own one.. I thought you said you couldn't. Whatevs. MAybe we should hang out again someday.