springtime is in the air.......freezing its balls off.
todays my ma's berfday, shes older than me.
its also a day im using to make art happen. art that isnt dolls. and some dolls too. artful days are the best ones. i dont really have any at work anymore, but im peacefully resigned to that.
ummmmm, '300'?
retardedly dope.
i mean the movie is only about two things:
1. chop
2. heads
in other news, bubble tea is on the menu for tomorrow, as well as the residual bobarrhea. nice.
and in other other news, i have been taking a large and generous amount of my 'real-life' friends OTL.
and as im sure you know, off the list means off the list. forever and ever. thats why i keep the list........
and the phrase- 'sometimes you eat the bear..........etc., has been replace by the much shorter and more italian, 'its only a loan'...........
as in: "hey you did one gay tattoo all day for thirty cents, and i made 800 buxxx........that sucks"
-'yeah, but its only a loan.........'
wutang bitches,
todays my ma's berfday, shes older than me.
its also a day im using to make art happen. art that isnt dolls. and some dolls too. artful days are the best ones. i dont really have any at work anymore, but im peacefully resigned to that.
ummmmm, '300'?
retardedly dope.
i mean the movie is only about two things:
1. chop
2. heads
in other news, bubble tea is on the menu for tomorrow, as well as the residual bobarrhea. nice.
and in other other news, i have been taking a large and generous amount of my 'real-life' friends OTL.
and as im sure you know, off the list means off the list. forever and ever. thats why i keep the list........
and the phrase- 'sometimes you eat the bear..........etc., has been replace by the much shorter and more italian, 'its only a loan'...........
as in: "hey you did one gay tattoo all day for thirty cents, and i made 800 buxxx........that sucks"
-'yeah, but its only a loan.........'
wutang bitches,

Yeah. But my cat is pretty awesome cuz she doesnt tear up dresses or anything. She just meows and eats cat food. Takes a few naps and chases a jingle ball.
Best life ever haha.
Do any awesome tattoos lately?
I went ot get bubble tea yesterday and know what? that bitch wouldnt let us have any. She said she was running errands for 2 hours and to come back. And we were like.. "uhhh we cant" and she was pretty much liek too bad. So she jsut closed in the middle of the day and wouldnt give us any. I hate drivign an hour for NOTHING!
plus i'm pretty sure by then i'll have a second bicycle so we can both ride around.
you can not bring tattoo gear if you want, but i'm still making you tattoo me. you can use my shit.