bike week.
everyone is an asshole.
my old lady's brother got his arm chopped off in a seriously fucked up motorcycle accident.
the details are too gross and sad to write about.
he's gonna live, and thats amazing. he has two broken legs, and one is missing great big pieces.
and his arm isnt there anymore.
i wll seriously shit a live hairless pygmy possum out of my neck. seriously. body trauma makes me wanna leave town.
jess starts full time at the shop when she gets back from the hospital watch in ct. i hate how she hasnt been here all week. lameness.
i have 87 puppety dolls made now. its what i do.
wutang, bitches.
everyone is an asshole.
my old lady's brother got his arm chopped off in a seriously fucked up motorcycle accident.
the details are too gross and sad to write about.
he's gonna live, and thats amazing. he has two broken legs, and one is missing great big pieces.
and his arm isnt there anymore.
i wll seriously shit a live hairless pygmy possum out of my neck. seriously. body trauma makes me wanna leave town.
jess starts full time at the shop when she gets back from the hospital watch in ct. i hate how she hasnt been here all week. lameness.
i have 87 puppety dolls made now. its what i do.
wutang, bitches.

i wont go near a bike for the same reason, my pops ended up like that.
hard times
so, are you planning on a freakout like the puppet master or some shit, whats with the dolls buddy
its shady on my side of the street
keep it woodsly