it's probably just me,
but when did being a trailer asshole become the industry standard for street shops?
i mean, do i HAVE to paint to be a 'real' tattooer, or can i just tattoo?
and when did only doing appointments that cater to your speciality become progressive? and why do i get so mad when i choose to live in the woods?
i dunno.
fuck tattoo t.v. shows. they supposedly raise the bar or educate the public or some shit, but every douchetard that comes i spouting tv knowledge deserves the shitty unoriginal tupac cross they ineitably pick off the wall. fuck stoner co-workers, and fuck vacationers who want lame shit. hard.
hi, my name is sour fucking grapes.
but when did being a trailer asshole become the industry standard for street shops?
i mean, do i HAVE to paint to be a 'real' tattooer, or can i just tattoo?
and when did only doing appointments that cater to your speciality become progressive? and why do i get so mad when i choose to live in the woods?
i dunno.
fuck tattoo t.v. shows. they supposedly raise the bar or educate the public or some shit, but every douchetard that comes i spouting tv knowledge deserves the shitty unoriginal tupac cross they ineitably pick off the wall. fuck stoner co-workers, and fuck vacationers who want lame shit. hard.
hi, my name is sour fucking grapes.

the only reason i paint, well,... airbrush is cause its like doing huge ass tattoos but fast as hell. im the lazy man so whatever is quickest and easiest. it does really help with stumbling across new tecniques and stuff though.
yup, i do the things you listed in my journal but i am also a very social person. my house is the one where everyone tends to gather. always someone over or on their way. late at night when the first shift world is sleepin and not bothering me is when i get all the painting and drawing done. it works but is starting to wear on me cause i dont get enough sleep.
hang in there man. i dont like to see ya all frustrated like this.
hows your new place?