I fell four times before my death,
Up an down the crooked stair,
The fifth time would be my last,
Fucking Roller-skate!
I fell four times before my death,
Up an down the crooked stair,
The fifth time would be my last,
Fucking Roller-skate!
Perfect Dreams
I don't really sleep a lot. When I do sleep, I don't often remember my dreams. However, from time to time, I do have the most wonderful and vivid dreams. I have dreams of walking along a quiet, soft, sandy beach, listening to the soothing sounds of the waves crashing and seagulls flying overhead. Sometimes I dream I'm laying on a blanket in...
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My Dearest L****n,
Every day is a challenge. I wonder what the day will bring and worry if today will be the day I snap. Then you walk in. As soon as I hear your voice, I know everything will be perfect. I can't look at you and not see what is right with the world. I can't hear your voice and not hear the...
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I need an inked wife ;)
throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack
her coffee is getting colder as she waits for him to miss her, his cigarettes are running one after another while trying to forget her
Working on my book and screen play....multi-tasking!