I heard this song on the way back from my last job today. Sort of appropriate.
It's A Great Day To Whup Somebody's Ass
Paul Thorn
Have you ever had one of those days
When nothing goes right?
You're wife starts bitching
About whatever it was
She was bitching about last night
So you escape into the bathroom
Just to sit there on your throne... Read More
I don't know what to post anymore. Work sucks. Gas is too expensive. Everyone's getting older. It's either too cool in the morning or too hot in the afternoon. It never rains unless I have plans.
Yeah, I hope he likes the new girl, too. He's sick right now and the girl isn't fixed yet, so it'll take a few weeks until they can meet, but we'll see how it turns out
So that's who she is, then. Very nice. (For the sake of accuracy - and because I'm a lunatic - I'm going to clarify and say that I'm referring to the picture you posted in my journal.)