radiofrank: this has just been a test of the Emergency Broadcasting System, then?
Not just you!
I would certainly agree with you!
The number of people that "follow" me on SG that like or comment on one of my blogs.
I think you and I are in the same boat, haha
Yes knitting would be something I should def take up at the moment Haha😀
radiofrank: ahoy!
I worked 3 days last week. 3 days so far this week. That's right, only 85 3/4 hours so far this pay period... Oh, and I'm only getting paid for 83 3/4 since they insist on deducting lunch periods from my check that they don't allow me to take. (I do have 16 hours holiday pay). Let's see what tomorrow brings...
Ack! ;(
Over 8 hours without a lunchbreak.
Cheers dude & a happy thanksgiving to you my good man 😎