I'm back in the game!! Haha...I'm back doing photoshoots again...thank goodness - it feels unnatural for me not to be doing them at least once a month.
I had one last Thursday - an agency shoot for the website of one of the waitressing companies I work for. The photographer was a man by the name of Danial Gowans and his work is just stunning. It helps too that he has one of the most amazing hair and makeup artists working by is side - the lovely Erin Bigg

Then today I shot with Rod Talbot again - he's one of my regular favourites and you've probably seen me blog about him before!! Today was a shoot for some ideas for images that he wanted to do - some nudies involving me and another model (Cheryl). I had a bit of a muck-around on his sofa in between takes hehe...check it out:
Next weekend I'm shooting with Rod again...with Erin Bigg as the makeup artist!
The shoot is for a friends lingerie company - Saucy Little Minx
I'll be modelling alongside a lovely lass by the name of Jorden (modelling the swimwear), and the ever-stunning Scotty (modelling the corsets/latex/pin-up side of things). I'll be modelling the clubbing dresses and the costumes
Sometime next week I'm also doing a paid shoot (HURRAH!!!)....it's going to be in a range of different uniforms so we'll see how that goes
Then sometime in the near future I'm shooting again for People magazine, and also Picture magazine
Busy bee!!!!