No baby yet, I am 2cm dialated and ready to go. Just gotta wait on the baby to be ready. Everyone keeps pissing me off around here asking me if i had the baby yet or rubbing it in that someone else has had their baby, or telling me i look like i am gonna go tonight. Asking me is it gonna happen tonight, Like i fuckin know. All i can think is LEAVE ME THE FUCKING HELL ALONE ILL FUCKIN TELL YOU WHEN I FUCKING HAVE THE DAMN FUCKING BABY ALREADY GOOD GAWD!!! But i am not that mean so i dont tell them that. Just say nope not yet bye bye now lol. Hope you all are well think my cinimon roles are done so i am gonna go chow down. Hugs
Good luck with the child bearing ... whenever the baby is ready. I know she's been stalling for weeks now
. I won't ask. I'm sure you'll let everyone know when it happens. So close!