hey everybody!!!...its been quite sum time...as usual ive been workin a lot and really busy but i just wanted to let u guys kno that i just submitted a set!!!!!!!!!!!...just waitin to hear back and see if they are going to post them!!!...im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited, i really hope it works...well wish me luck...peace *) shocked smile tongue
ok...so i have one photoshoot done but its only 40 pics!...will that work or are u supposed to have more?...i cant remember...anyway im goin to take more pics tmro!!! or at least the photographer told me so...im soooooooooooooooo excited!!!............................and im really sry its takin so long...can anyone help me figure out how to apply as the model b/c when i tried it said that i...
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hee thanks xoxox
so im really f*ing pissed right now...as u pry kno iv been workin 2 jobs...i got my camera late...at one of my jobs i have been gettin really irritated with stupid ass people...i have really had the urge to punch someone in the face lately...also things just keep getting worse-there is always somethin for these people to bitch about...ggaaahhh...i need a day off and a...
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hey guys...i FINALLY JUST got the camera!!!...i am sooooooooooooo very excited to try a photoshoot very very soon!...i have been quite a busy bee lately so sry if u missed me!...lol...i hope that u guys like the pics but make sure to comment either way and voice ur opinion...im open to ALL comments/recommendations/etc...please help me out!...*) love tongue
Hey everyone again!...i am getting exhausted lately...ive been workin quite a bit and am about to start the second one...i am for sure takin pics wednesday as long as the camera gets here within the next few days!...im hopin to get the pics up asap when i get finished with them...please please please comment them!...i wish u all the best with anything u do!...*)

Thanks...*) confused kiss

I am so happy right now-I finally got waxed today! What an experience-yes it hurt but not enuf to make me stop it and I feel much better now. I cant wait to take pics now cuz everything looks soooo much better! I hope to get the camera in this week as i have already stated and will be doing a set next...
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did you do a bikini line or full Brazilian? I am always into learning about the pain and suffering of beauty and what a person goes though to attain perceived beauty. In doing such pondering I was debating about doing a similiar treatment. eeek biggrin eeek
hey everyone!...just got my hair dyed dark!...im still waitn on the camera-hopin it will cum in this week!...im hoping to take sum pics with it and try to get aset in if possible-so if i do please show sum support!...ttyl...*) wink
guys- im soooo happy right now!!!...i just found out that i got hired as a phlebotomist!!!-this will be my second job at this time which is gona suck but be sweet at the same time...i cant wait to start it!...im also buyin a new camera in the next few days that is pretty kick ass and well worth it...plus it will be used for my...
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ok...so ive been quite busy lately...im painting in this house im bout to move in (which will have lots of set opportunities!)...im gettin a lil worn out but excited...i cant wait to get everything dun...anyways...i went out today and was just messin around tryin to work with this new camera and totally loved the way the pics turned out...im thinkin im goin to use it...
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So I'm somewhat new to this site but I really love it and am trying to get used to how everthing works. If anyone can give me any helpful tips that would be much appreciated. I have been chekin up on photos on here but am a lil shy to add people- so if u can help me out that would be great. Hope to...
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Well hello there
Don't have any ideas off the top of my head, but I'll see if I come up with any. What was the other set like?