HEY EVERYONE!!!....long time since i've been able to get on any internet!...so i have a new set up on December 4th...im workin on sum new ones...just gota find the right places n stuff...anyways id like to put out there that i was wanting to do sum photography myself so if anyone is interested in a photographer just hit me up...i hope to hear from a...
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hey guys...sry its been awhile but ive been quite busy and packing to get moved...anyways...i was hoping to get a few ideas from sum of u on what kind of photo set to do next...just looking for a few different ideas that culd spark my interest as well as urs...leave me ur thots...*)

someone trips you into mud. You fight him/her end up ripping your shirt up. you smash their head into the ground then stand up looking all badass then it either rains or you go shower.
i just looked at your last set and thats what i saw.
i just looked at your last set and thats what i saw.
I've always been a big fan of water based sets. pools, bathtubs, showers... a hot naked woman getting all wet... mmmm

That said any theme can be good if well executed. And I'm sure anything with you in it will look amazing regardless

That said any theme can be good if well executed. And I'm sure anything with you in it will look amazing regardless

hey everyone...im working on posting my 2nd set...hope u all like it and if u have any advise this time round lemme kno...thanks...*)

Looking forward to the set! 

Good News! 

hey everyone...set in MR right now...hope u all likeit...thanks for the comments so far...and i do agree that there needed to b bettr lighting and shots but i feel confident they will improve dueto the fact it was my first shoot for me and the photographer!...wish me lots of luck and comments!...*)

good luck with the house btw!! when i get back from iraq this next time that is my plan as well.
Beautiful set and congratulations on the house!
hey everyone...just wana let u kno my set goes up here in a few days...comment on them please!...thanks for all the support!...*)

i can't wait to see what you've created
hey everyone...just sayin hello...its been a lil while since ive been able to show back up here but things are def getn bettr...hope u all like the set next month...workin on another one right now...*)
Fidelity *)
Fidelity *)

hello to you!

just wanted to let all of u kno my set goes up in SEPTEMBER...i cant wait!!!...show ur love!!...*)

im really anxious...come on already!!!...well im excited for warped tour this year too...oh and im lookin at houses currently...i need sumthin good to happen soon!!!...*)

your welcom
hey everybody!!!...its been quite sum time...as usual ive been workin a lot and really busy but i just wanted to let u guys kno that i just submitted a set!!!!!!!!!!!...just waitin to hear back and see if they are going to post them!!!...im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited, i really hope it works...well wish me luck...peace *)

ok...so i have one photoshoot done but its only 40 pics!...will that work or are u supposed to have more?...i cant remember...anyway im goin to take more pics tmro!!! or at least the photographer told me so...im soooooooooooooooo excited!!!............................and im really sry its takin so long...can anyone help me figure out how to apply as the model b/c when i tried it said that i...
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hee thanks xoxox
so im really f*ing pissed right now...as u pry kno iv been workin 2 jobs...i got my camera late...at one of my jobs i have been gettin really irritated with stupid ass people...i have really had the urge to punch someone in the face lately...also things just keep getting worse-there is always somethin for these people to bitch about...ggaaahhh...i need a day off and a...
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hey guys...i FINALLY JUST got the camera!!!...i am sooooooooooooo very excited to try a photoshoot very very soon!...i have been quite a busy bee lately so sry if u missed me!...lol...i hope that u guys like the pics but make sure to comment either way and voice ur opinion...im open to ALL comments/recommendations/etc...please help me out!...*)