Sorry i havent updated in awhile..things have been crappy this past week..Work sucks, oh and school does too..thank god its my last week...Nothing much new except to the fact that i completely love this site, and that its 4 in the morn and i have to be up in like 2 hours for work..so ill make this short this morn..i gotta finish commenting in others...
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Totally sucks that I'm so infrequent with being all occasional about replying to you. Maybe I should stop working, then drinking right after. Cuz when I drink I sit around and puke and end up falling asleep.
Thanks tons for the replies, smile
And your welcome, its nice to be friends, eh? ah shit I've been hanging around a Canadian too much. I'm saying eh.
did you disstapeeear??
Umm yea sorry i dont have pics yet..i just signed up the other night and i havent gotten around to it...i have some if youd like to see em...just ask..nullUmm yea sorry i dont have pics yet..i just signed up the other night and i havent gotten around to it...i have some if youd like to see em...just ask..null
heya! YAY friends.
How much time have you spent in NYC? That place makes me craazzyy after awhile. Gets into my head. And I start.. talking like them! Aaaahhh.
Umm yea sorry i dont have pics yet..i just signed up the other night and i havent gotten around to it...i have some if youd like to see em...just ask..