My last set BURRITO shot for @slava is just NOW on MR!
With no doubt is one of my favorite sets I've done! We were on a shootfest in BCN and we didn't even know what the hell we was going to shoot when I just comment to the beauty Slava I had always wanted to shoot a set and name it 'Burrito or Fajita' or something cute as that LOL. Immediately she said, "hell, let's do it!" so we run to prepare everything! 🤣
It was a fully unexpected set and I enjoyed it so much! Working with her was so easy and funny and definetly think we did an awesome job!!
If you missed it, take a look at BURRITO and give her all possible love!! She deserves it!🌸
@missy @penny @eirenne @lemon @yessybear @sean