Well, things have changed up quite a bit in my lafe lately. I am back in school working on a second bachelor's -- this time in chemical engineering. I am taking summer classes at UL Lafayette and generally enjoying school life again, although it has whole new sets of stressors now at 38. Taking Differential Equations on the summer fast track is making me a nervous wreck after not having used calculus for about 15 years...

you'll be just fine... really... just work hard and i'm sure you'll ace it. I'm excited for you! going back to school! thats awesome! god i cant wait to go back.... once everything is straigthened out i'll be there too... even tho it hasnt been that long for me... it just seems like forever... 2003 i think.... back when my son was a wee babe. Anyways, I just want you to know that you can do it! go for it! I've got ur back!

sounds like you should be quite proud, clever man