my friday nights out seem to always follow the same evolutionary path. they begin with a lively make-up application overture. eyeliner is smudged to perfection, risks are taken with new lipstick colors, and if you end up looking a touch too trashy, that's okay as long as its the sexy kind of trashy. and as long as it looks intentional. then you pile into whatever...
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have you ever played played the game "telephone" over the telephone? interesting concept, but unsurprisingly not all that fun.
i'm really not very good at writing first journal entries, or truth be told, any journal entries. on the list of things that i'm bad at doing, writing journal enttries is probably ranked third. second place belongs to something like climbing mount everest or putting...
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have you ever played played the game "telephone" over the telephone? interesting concept, but unsurprisingly not all that fun.
i'm really not very good at writing first journal entries, or truth be told, any journal entries. on the list of things that i'm bad at doing, writing journal enttries is probably ranked third. second place belongs to something like climbing mount everest or putting...
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- pays nineteen for pimping Charmer -
Aight. Here goes. Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. And as much as nineteen does. Hehehe. Now... do what I paid for... um...not sure what I paid for but...dammit, you better do it. That's right... oh well.
Aight. Here goes. Welcome to the site. Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. And as much as nineteen does. Hehehe. Now... do what I paid for... um...not sure what I paid for but...dammit, you better do it. That's right... oh well.

and don't forget it...