i decided that i am against learning experiences as a whole. the term seems to be applied only to unpleasant events. when some guy wins the lottery, you don't see his uncle pat him on the shoulder and say with cautious hesitation, yet with a mature moustached authority, "well, you should really look at this as a learning experience, young peter." because apparently, we only experience learning when a shitty kind of shit happens. so people are really just advising us to look, not at all experiences, but at shit ones as something to glean from. a corn kernel here, a half of a peanut there. disgusting, i know. i'm sorry for that. but honestly, that would never be my fucking advice. i think you should just look at shit as something assworthy and absent of value, and then you should move the fuck on.
OOo and the skull thing, I donno this is a lil old but thats the scariest thing ever. I would poop my pants if I saw it in my fridge. On the same note i would laugh so hard if I LEFT it in the fridge and my friend pooped her pants.
Anyways. I hope you dont have any lessons or hidden opportunitys anytime soon.
Actually my Uncle did tell me just that when I won the lottery. Actually that's a lie, I never won the lottery but he did tell me that. Ok, that's another lie, he never told me that either. I'll probably lie to you a lot, you need to get used to it. A lot of people lie in life and screw you over. I'm learned to look at it as a learning experience. Now you will never know if my name is really Peter or not.