boo! i'm baaaaaaaack.
Yay! Have missed you. Told myself I need to write you many many times. Hope you've been well.

pre-s ~ thank you justice breyer for having the courage of your convictions in the supreme court today. i can't wait to read your dissent.
so, enough of that interpersonal meditation, yes? yes. instead i shall get my nerd on right here. as you already know, i'm working on my dissertation. this involves reading and/or rereading many books. i love reading, but prepping my lit...
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so, enough of that interpersonal meditation, yes? yes. instead i shall get my nerd on right here. as you already know, i'm working on my dissertation. this involves reading and/or rereading many books. i love reading, but prepping my lit...
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I will be glad to see you too. The boy says he is coming as well. I'm not sure P town will ever be the same!
Lots of love little sister. Check your email.
well, the pendulum has swung back & i am no longer in such a foul coutenance. you are glad you were not around me yesterday. i spent most of yesterday skukling about, communicating only in grunts, knocking everything around, and generally being loads of fun. i get extra frustrated in those moods because i've given over so many of my "coping mechanisms" (read: self-destructive impulsive...
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I could come up with several things, I suppose...
hehe... Glad you're still crazy!!!
hehe... Glad you're still crazy!!!
That's why I said 'don't'.
I used to. I know I can. I just never really enjoyed it. I only did it to fit in.

dear dane cooke ~
you can totally throw it in. smart+funny=ace.
xo ~ charmed
you can totally throw it in. smart+funny=ace.
xo ~ charmed
dear supernovice ~
you can totally throw it in. smart+funny=ace.
xo ~ charmed
Dear Charmed,
Roger. WILCO. Stand by for the throwing of it in...
you can totally throw it in. smart+funny=ace.
xo ~ charmed
Dear Charmed,
Roger. WILCO. Stand by for the throwing of it in...

I know. Definitely need to have a shooting range. I shoot, but I definitely do not have sniper status.
Ah well. I did blow up a prairie dog once with a bad shot. Oops.
I feel like poop.

I feel like poop.
yesterday was one of those days you have to live to believe.
i hate the phrase "at the end of the day", but borrowing from its connotations i can say that by the end of yesterday day (which was technically the beginning of today) i am a stronger and better person.
unfortunately, i also look rather like a goth marine.
the take home lessons:
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i hate the phrase "at the end of the day", but borrowing from its connotations i can say that by the end of yesterday day (which was technically the beginning of today) i am a stronger and better person.
unfortunately, i also look rather like a goth marine.
the take home lessons:
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difficult honesty beats easy fiction every time.
also, i posted some new peechars. you can see my newest tattoos! i'm slowly becoming a canvas.
love & stuff
difficult honesty beats easy fiction every time.
also, i posted some new peechars. you can see my newest tattoos! i'm slowly becoming a canvas.
love & stuff
I scoped out those photos of you. You are lovely, as always.
No, I will be deploying again, just difficult to say the when. August or October. Our budget concerns are still there, and making everything up in the air.
I will definitely take the time and come see you in Portland then. The timing is going to work out a little more swimmingly, since the boy is going to be in and out of town pretty consistently. I might be there only for a weekend, but by golly, I'm there.
Take care sweetness.
No, I will be deploying again, just difficult to say the when. August or October. Our budget concerns are still there, and making everything up in the air.
I will definitely take the time and come see you in Portland then. The timing is going to work out a little more swimmingly, since the boy is going to be in and out of town pretty consistently. I might be there only for a weekend, but by golly, I'm there.

Take care sweetness.
Two more songs on their way... In a couple days you will have the entire album.
Glad to hear you are doing better. You'll never believe what happend with the soccerball/babydoll incident. It was tragic and depressing - I'll save it for when there's not a gang of other negativity drifting around. Suffice it to say, some total fucktard got impatient when my co-worker and I were not at the docks exactly when "they" wanted to leave, so they left us and we are now the two most highly trained killers on the planet with our very own neon soccer balls and barbie dolls in our ruck sacks. Impatient assholes. They'll get deliverd eventually and the kids will know no difference whatsoever, but I wanted to leave here with a warm and fuzzy which I must now seek an alternative to, which usually invloves trouble, in my case -- I'm a guy, after all.
Cheers, big ears. Thanks for the photos. They made me smile.
Glad to hear you are doing better. You'll never believe what happend with the soccerball/babydoll incident. It was tragic and depressing - I'll save it for when there's not a gang of other negativity drifting around. Suffice it to say, some total fucktard got impatient when my co-worker and I were not at the docks exactly when "they" wanted to leave, so they left us and we are now the two most highly trained killers on the planet with our very own neon soccer balls and barbie dolls in our ruck sacks. Impatient assholes. They'll get deliverd eventually and the kids will know no difference whatsoever, but I wanted to leave here with a warm and fuzzy which I must now seek an alternative to, which usually invloves trouble, in my case -- I'm a guy, after all.
Cheers, big ears. Thanks for the photos. They made me smile.
merry meet all you beltane celebrators!
this is one of several new year's days in my personal calendar.
may this year be one of truth, passion, and evolution.
blessed be!
this is one of several new year's days in my personal calendar.
may this year be one of truth, passion, and evolution.
blessed be!
so i'm getting into this positive thinking thing like whoa. i've always been an optimist, but i've also had some dark darkness that was mucking up the works. so, i'm reading "quantum success" and getting intentional. my life is pretty good now, so i anticipate that it shall be even better soon. i'd reflect on it more, but i'm cooking. i just wanted to start...
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Well, thanks! The inspiration must have been well-received because I began writing the other day and am about half-way finished. I could use your scholarly critique, if you have the time. I will email you the title page, the incomplete portioin of the main body and the reference index, if you would be so kind as to give them a once over and tell me that I've used too many commas due to infernal MS Word and it's ever-scrutinous little squiggly green lines... GRRRR!
Off to work, I go. What are you doing this weekend?
Off to work, I go. What are you doing this weekend?
How cool are you?
Man, I am such a lucky guy.
So yeah, I'm just chillin' at the house this weekend. There is nothing I would rather do. Okay, well maybe there are a few things I could think of, but...
You're meeting relatives the significant other's? Whoa... I always write that off as "time to make a bad impression"... But I am sure you will prevail. Keep me informed. For whatever resaon, these things intrigue me to no end...
Man, I am such a lucky guy.
So yeah, I'm just chillin' at the house this weekend. There is nothing I would rather do. Okay, well maybe there are a few things I could think of, but...
You're meeting relatives the significant other's? Whoa... I always write that off as "time to make a bad impression"... But I am sure you will prevail. Keep me informed. For whatever resaon, these things intrigue me to no end...

i turned 34 on chinese new year yesterday - yay me!
it was also the 4th anniversary of my nana's death. i celebrated in such a low key way i don't think it would technically register as celebration, but i loved it. i think its gonna be a great year.

Happy belated, eh...
Sorry, I have been out of town and didn't have access to the site.
So you started dating an old aquaintance? That's wonderful. Don't you catch yourself thinking, why didn't I do this a long time ago?
Ugh... I sooooo don't feel like going to work. I fucking HATE filling out travel claims! It's so common, I swear. I became a knuckle-draggin' psychopath specifically to avoid paperwork and here I am. Bygones.
Okay, more later. Just wanted to say hi!

Sorry, I have been out of town and didn't have access to the site.
So you started dating an old aquaintance? That's wonderful. Don't you catch yourself thinking, why didn't I do this a long time ago?
Ugh... I sooooo don't feel like going to work. I fucking HATE filling out travel claims! It's so common, I swear. I became a knuckle-draggin' psychopath specifically to avoid paperwork and here I am. Bygones.
Okay, more later. Just wanted to say hi!
i have an addictive personality, which means that a distraction can easily become an obsession. i'm amused and amazed on a regular basis how many ways addiction can be manifested. moving among addictions can take you further from harm and closer to wellness, or obviously the reverse (i.e. the downward spiral). most of my addiction comes in the form of intense feeling - as i...
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Ah the prodigal spider returns.
Glad to see you back lady.
Glad to see you back lady.
Oh look! It's as though we are one big happy family again! Hi Klaire!
And a happy V Day to you, too!
Ugh... I had a lame-o day. Friggin' HATE the military and all it stands for! You kids are lucky that I love you so much that I endure this type of bullshit treatment for the priveledge of keeping you safe (and the occasional oppurtunity to really fuck up some turd-bag that really, really deserves it)... I cannot believe how unfair some recent developments are. UGH! I'm so innervated, my tiny head could explode... Anyone, besides me, sick of hearing me complain? Raise you hands, please....
Anyways... Valentine's Day.... What a cool gig for chicks! Man, I don't think I've ever gotten crap (other than some well-placed attention *wink*) for Valentine's Day. Total chick holiday, if you ask me... Meh... Bygones.
Hope yours is going well! Can't wait to hear about blondie....
And a happy V Day to you, too!
Ugh... I had a lame-o day. Friggin' HATE the military and all it stands for! You kids are lucky that I love you so much that I endure this type of bullshit treatment for the priveledge of keeping you safe (and the occasional oppurtunity to really fuck up some turd-bag that really, really deserves it)... I cannot believe how unfair some recent developments are. UGH! I'm so innervated, my tiny head could explode... Anyone, besides me, sick of hearing me complain? Raise you hands, please....
Anyways... Valentine's Day.... What a cool gig for chicks! Man, I don't think I've ever gotten crap (other than some well-placed attention *wink*) for Valentine's Day. Total chick holiday, if you ask me... Meh... Bygones.
Hope yours is going well! Can't wait to hear about blondie....

the new year has begun! i rather love a new year. 2007 is a very sharp number. i like it. normally i prefer even numbers to odd, but i'm quite pleased to be in 2007. 2006 felt like a tempest decade in a 12 month teapot. how lovely to have had excellent days thus far in 2007.
life is neither easy, nor simple, but it...
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life is neither easy, nor simple, but it...
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