I'm so homesick that it is digusting. frown puke At least my boyfriend is coming to visit in a few days. Okay, back to homework... I have finals soon. Boo hoo... blackeyed I'm retarded! Ha ha! kiss
Homesickness does suck... I don't think school makes you un-retarded though... I think I was less retarded before I went to school. But now I get paid (a little) more... I wonder which was better? Good luck on your finals!
Your boy come to visit you yet?...You doing ok?...Love ya kiss
Now I am no longer broken up with my boyfriend. When he told me he wanted his freedom and space I told him okay and acted all cool about it. About fifteen minutes later I started flipping out and I was crying all day. I started calling him nonstop, but he wasn't answering, so I started writing him a bunch of really long emails. One...
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was just looking through your pictures ... your beautiful .... wow
Remember this...I think that you are beautiful and you can achieve anything you want!...Follow your dreams and dont give up!...I love you kiss
My boyfriend just pretty much broke up with me... in like a trying to sugar coat it way. I don't see why he couldn't do that when I was in Oregon, you know, where I have friends. He needs his "space"... 3000 miles isn't enough. I feel really stupid for deciding to stay with him, which, by the way, he talked me into. I said...
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Some jerks just don't know how to deal...

I'm sorry he messed you up like that.

I'd be happy to listen to you about it if you'd like, or just talk about cute fuzzy animals and philosophy if you'd like to get your mind off it.

Everyone has their reasons for initiating a break up, but for him to switch it up like that is a dick move of the highest order.However,Trebo is right. You are a beautiful young woman with amazing qualities that any man worth his salt would be some sort of crazy not to look your way.

I hope you do something good for yourself today. See ya 'round
Just checking in with ya sweetie..Feeling better?....Let me know if I can do anything for ya ok? kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss ...Sorrry got a little carried away! blush
The zoo here was really big! I liked it a lot. There were baby cheetahs (four months old). They were soooooo cute! There was also a baby panda. I love baby animals! I was exhausted by the time I left. It was just so huge. I was wearing a skirt, so I ended up with a bunch of bug bites on my legs. mad But, hey,...
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my prairie dog tnaks you for what you did to the squirrel. smile

Congratulations on your moove, and good luck with classes!

I was sad we never had a chance to get together beforew you left, but hey, i have always wanted to visit the east coast!

Detox is going good, it is pretty easy now, thinking i can start drinking again, 2 weeks is a good ammount of time to let the liver recover.

Oh and also, Right on with the squirrel rescue, that is very cool!
I'm missing Portland right now. frown It is the part of the day that I ran out of stuff to do on my own and want someone else. Oh well.

I went to the National Gallery of Art today. It was truly amazingly breathtaking. I didn't even make it all the way through, so I will have to go back. I took a bunch of pictures...
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Yup, I moved from Scotland to Maryland 2 years ago to do my MFA. Last month was the first time I'd been home to Scotland in two years!!! Can you believe that!

I teach art at Maryland to fund my study there, I only have another year left and after that...well who knows. I'd like to teach here a little longer if I can and I need to see a whole lot more of the country!

I walked out on a party or two myself!!! My main problem was that I just cannot get my head around the sorority/fraternity culture thing, if you can call it that! They all started asking me really dumb questions, like if we have cars back in Scotland!whatever

The zoo here is one of the best I think I've been to, the enclosures are really big, I think you'll like it! I've never been to the cathedral though!

I need to make it into DC a lot more!!! There's a few places I've always wanted to go to and some of my friends are real sticks in the mud! If you ever want to go someplace I'll happily tag along! I begin teaching again next week but I'm pretty sure I'll still have time! I'll make a cardboard cut out of myself and place it in front of class with a tape recording of incoherent Scottishness, that'll confound 'em!!

Those falls are beautiful, I love your photos!
Yup, I moved from Scotland to Maryland 2 years ago to do my MFA. Last month was the first time I'd been home to Scotland in two years!!! Can you believe that!

I teach art at Maryland to fund my study there, I only have another year left and after that...well who knows. I'd like to teach here a little longer if I can and I need to see a whole lot more of the country!

I walked out on a party or two myself!!! My main problem was that I just cannot get my head around the sorority/fraternity culture thing, if you can call it that! They all started asking me really dumb questions, like if we have cars back in Scotland!whatever

The zoo here is one of the best I think I've been to, the enclosures are really big, I think you'll like it! I've never been to the cathedral though!

I need to make it into DC a lot more!!! There's a few places I've always wanted to go to and some of my friends are real sticks in the mud! If you ever want to go someplace I'll happily tag along! I begin teaching again next week but I'm pretty sure I'll still have time! I'll make a cardboard cut out of myself and place it in front of class with a tape recording of incoherent Scottishness, that'll confound 'em!!

Those falls are beautiful, I love your photos!

Two comments! woa, how'd that happen!

anyway, if you fancy sushi I'm up for that!

[Edited on Aug 26, 2005 6:53PM]
I haven't written in this in forever because I haven't had the internet. It was unexpected, otherwise I would have said something!

Anyway, I am at American University in Washington DC. I just got here a few days ago and just got the internet working the night before last. I am really excited, but am probably more nervous. It's harder than I thought it would...
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I just looked at the new pics...WOW shocked ....I'm in love! love kiss
Hey I saw your profile on the my area section thingey!!!!

I know what it's like to move to a new place too!

I heard Portland's very beautifull! You must miss it a lot!

Sure you'll fit in nice and snug soon!


[Edited on Aug 25, 2005 2:08PM]
Thanks to everyone that wished me a happy birthday! It was really sweet. kiss

My birthday was absolutely nuts. First of all, I was on some kind of emotional roller coaster that day so I went from feeling euphoric to miserable back to euphoric, etc. I'm not really sure why that was, but it was an odd sensation.

I went to Chuck E. Cheese with some...
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First off I like the new profile pic!....SO you are at AU!...Good for you!!...I MISSED YOU TOO!! kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss ....Ok ok I'll quit...Seriously that pisses me off that your friend dad did that!...Look I am always will be here for you Charlize..And don't feel like you are all alone...You can call me...drop me a line...Or even IM me biggrin ....Start school with a bang!...Don't let anything stop you from achieving YOUR DREAMS!! kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss ....Sorry I just missed you! blush
Hey. Hope all is well. Wanted to compliment you on the new profile pic and hope everything is happy is healthy! Be good and don't be a stranger!
I am getting my very first cavity filled today. Sad. frown

My birthday is this weekend and I wish I could stop it from happening. I want to lock myself in a room all weekend and pretend the world stopped. I'm sure that it will end up being fun, but the stuff I looked forward to doing the most got canceled.

The pain from the endometriosis...
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you used to be aurora, right? or was it audra? it's been awhile...
So How was your Birthday??...Did you have fun?
I'm not dead! I am just really extremely busy. I actually am not going to my second job tonight because my endometriosis is acting up really bad. mad I don't know why. I can't understand it. All I know is that on Tuesday I was in a little pain, very insignificant so I ignored it, then on Wednesday it got really bad and has stayed that...
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I invite you to everything......

Are you going to come to my family guy party?
We went to SPURS, it used to be a country bar.
STitches_u_up came into the strip club yesterday. It was really cool! He was very generous, and that is something that I can always appreciate! He brought in his fiancee. She is extremely cute; she has really pretty lips. I was starring at them whenever I spoke with her.

STitches_u_up got a dance from Brittany...she is one of my friends prior to working there. She is...
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hey lover,

I don't think it's stupid at all the way you feel. I had a "breakup" with a friend of mine for about 8 mths and I was a wreck. (take a look at my journal a few mths back) There are friends you get closer to than your boyfriend or girlfriend. I can understand if this guy was the first man you got close to emotionaly. Just checking in on you. kiss Hope you can feel better about this. kiss kiss kiss
Siddhartha and the Unbearable lightness of Being are among some of the most thought provoking masterpieces of our time. Just thought I'd let you know. smile