You're not innocent?!?!?


That's it. I'm done. You just ruined my image of you. No more pure as the driven snow for you.

You doing ok?? kiss
So after I broke up with my boyfriend a week or so ago he talked me into staying with him again, afterall. He was being nice again. But, I have been really sick for a while and he has been very uncaring about it. It really bothered me. I thought I jsut had the flu or something, but it hasn't been going away so I...
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directly translated it would be called winterkiss. More here

edited cause i had more to say wink

really . dump him again. he doesn't seem to care about you at all. okay, he didn't call you to hear if you were okay. some boys can find that hard to do. but to say it is all in your head, to not believe you, to not support you.... it's like he only wants you to stay around for good times, never worse.

i guess people are dropping from different kind of reasons. there's some rumours etc out there that i dont really feel like recalling. i believe olivia had written something smart about it all.

[Edited on Nov 14, 2005 11:29PM]
I didn't go to work two days in a row, but I went today. They sent me home because I was way too sick to try to wait tables. At least I showed up... I guess. Feeling this sick reaffirms how alone I am here. It sucks, a lot. I feel like I have been crying all day. Wait, I have been. I just can't...
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Sweet girl. I'm so sorry. We care about you so much. Please try to stick this out. I hope you're feeling better soon.

I'm sending you baby kitty kisses!
kiss miao!! kiss miao!! kiss miao!!
I apparently have the flu. I haven't been feeling well since the end of last week. My whole entire body was aching and my head hurt and I had a slight stomach ache. Now my head hurts. I am violently ill, and my body aches. puke I am supposed to work tonight and I really want/need to, but I am just afraid I will get everyone...
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Try and work but if you cant...Dont force yourself to stay...Rest is always good when youre sick..I hope you feel better soon..Love ya kiss
take the time off, get better, work your ass off when you go back!

take care of number one.
~ Mistress Bethany ARRR!!!
Well Charlize its real simple...The first cheated on me and got pregnant by the guy...The second one is a little more complicated...Her ex came into town they got drunk and went to the justice of the peace and got married...They divorced..She had a drug problem...She got pregnant...The guy controlled her and beat her...I remained friends with her through all of it...She left the guy and moved in with me for the last 2 months of her pregnancy...Where she gave him up for adoption...Afterwards we moved in as roommates...Where her drug problem reappeared again...She has a way of decieving people...And my friendship with her had to end...I still loved her Charlize after the adoption and being her roommate...But I decided I couldnt take any more of it so I left...To save myself...My dating her ended when she got married...My friendship started when she got divorced...Just to clarify that...
Charlize I want a woman who can be a lover...A woman who makes me laugh...A woman who wants to be with me...
19000 words feels really good .. i need a couple good spurts to get to 20,000
Don't you hate those girls that you see in shitty relationships with shitty guys. She can't seem to find the strength to get out. She seems and feels perpetually stuck. You always want to shake her and tell her there is someone better out there. Someone that will treat her with respect and love her fully and unconditionally. Even when you finally do get frustrated...
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I think you need this... kiss ...
My dear Charlize...So young...So talented....And extremely beautiful...Why do you let him take YOUR power away...I agree with you whole heartedly...I will share my truths with you...It is easier to be single...But you will find loneliness...an emptiness that becomes black as night itself...You are too young to be jaded...Like me...I promise you this...You have so much going for you...So full of life...Yes it is and will be hard...To say goodbye to him...Bt you must regain your confidence your innate abililty to love...You are intelligent...Do not fall for masquerades...You know why he does it...You are stronger than he is...You will find someone just as strong...To share equally lifes little pleasures...You are young...And you are wise beyond your years...You will succeed in anything you put your mind to..Yes there will be obstacles in the way...And you will over come those...You will find a way...And in finding that way...You will meet that will be worthy of your love...So dont close your heart...But dont be foolhearty neither...Your heart will not lie to you...You have give love in order to recieve it...So dont be shy...Strat with a foundation and build it into a home...You are a special woman Charlize...One that I have not seen many of...Look inside you and do whats best for you...Do not be afraid!...Thats all I have to say for now...I love you kiss
your way too cool to meet awful men .. try to meet them online ... some of the really shy, geeky guys are there.. posted an excerpt of my book on SG
There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home.... nope it didn't work. frown
Thanks for the positive comments ... I will try to post part of the novel soon ...

There are some very cool parts already ...


There is a excerpt in that
Thanks ... ecq
hm.... i like the pic in your artwork section.... but were there more? it sounds like it... in anycase, your hair and back are quite stunning. It makes me.... jealous.

very good ma'am
I posted some new photos if anyone wants to check them out!

trebo tagged me a while ago and I was a bad girl and didn't post 20 things. I am not even sure if there are twenty interesting things about me, but I am going to try...

1. I used to weigh 153 pounds and I wanted desperately to lose weight, but I it...
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let me know if you need help on your homework.. thanks for the coolness about my facts .. feel free to ping me again smile)
sounds like the money-thing might be a blessing in disguise. still.... stupid of the folks at your school to not understand.

things have gotten a bit easier here now. much thanks to the new shrink i got, the job and a friend whom i see once a week. i have my boyfriend here, and that is very good. he is most of the reason i am here in the first place. he got his dreamjob, and i didn't really consider not moving down here with him. my job-opportunities are much better here. i have family and friends here as well. that REALLY helps. especially tfriends.

i hope it somehow works out with all this fuss about school and such for you. i'd feel very torn too if i were in that situation. hang in there kiss
Okay, so yeah... I hate this place even more. I got all of my money and my bank card stolen today. Yippy! mad How am I going to pay my bills? It was almost all in cash because I work for tips. I want to go home... frown puke blackeyed frown
oh no. how rude of the world to treat someone as good as you in such a manner. mad i'm gonna find those bastards and....make them be your servants for eternity, just to make you happy again. hang in there sweetie miao!!
Listen dear it's sucks! Of course it does. But you wanted so badly to do this. There are somethings you need to do for yourself. Not for your family or you boyfriend. This is a chance that some women never get. (me for example) I remeber a time not so long ago when this was your passion. Yes you are lonely. But you have to learn a way to get passed this. You're in DC right?? Have you been to the Smithsonian museams? There are many things to do there. A beautifull art museam also I believe. Please try to find something. The boy (if he's right) will wait.

As for my prison time. I was a drug addict for 6 years. Crystal meth was all the rage at the dance school I went to. Not only was I a dancer but I was in many other activities. Most of them to please my mother. I was in beauty pagents from age 2 to 18. I played the piano, flute and violin. I was trained in Classic European music. I took French, German and Latian lessons. Voice lessons from age 6 to 18. I was a competitive cheerleader. The list goes on and on. The stress got to be so much. A girl at my dance school offered it to both me and my sister.

Anyways I was compleatly living on the stuff by the time I was 18. When I graduated we moved to the city closest to our home town. I started dating a boy who sold to me. By then I was so addicted that my habit was more expensive than I could afford. So I started having sex for drugs. I was also trasporting large amounts of drugs from the town my boyfriend lived in to the town I lived in. There was a drug raid on an apartment building that I was in, getting drugs. The boys I was with told the police I was a prostitute and that I had drugs in my car.

I was charged with salictation, posestion with intent to sell and warehousing. Did I mention it was large amounts of drugs I had. Fortunately for me I had a leaniant Judge who got me into a rehab program. As long as I narked on all my friends.

So there's my story.
My boyfriend left about four hours ago. I am going back home for a couple of days on Friday, but I still was overwhelmed that he is gone again. It didn't really hit me until I walked back into my room alone and it smelled like him. I just broke down. I couldn't stop crying even though I am going to see him again really...
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will you ever come back? pleeeeze . . . . kiss
ooohh kisses kiss kiss I hope things work out ok!