I'm feeling overwelmed by the fact that I somehow need to pay a ton of medical bills. I want to start looking for a second job, but (obviously) can't yet. It is very frustrating. I don't even know where to look anyway. Any retail part-time job I could find isn't even going to pay enough, or even work very well around my pre-existing employment. I can't get rid of that job; they pay me much better than anything else I can get right now. Especially since in about six months I am moving anyway. And that is where the urgency lies. All my debt needs to be paid before I move. I really want to be a waitress, but I have no experience. I would receive wages plus tips. I have also been thinking about "dancing". I have a couple friends that "dance" now and some that have in the past. It temporarily completely tore on of my friends apart. I danced once (literally: one day) when I was eighteen. The bouncer loooooooved me. He was telling me I was going to make so much money. The manager seemed to like my a ton as well. I felt very uncomfortable. Like fresh meat. As soon as the guy announced me (I used a name my friend coined for me "Diamond") and I started walking to the stage I was surrounded by men. My whole stage was full. I couldn't believe it. I was overwhelmed. I wanted to run, but I did the only thing I felt I could...I took off all my clothes. I am just not sure I can do it. I almost did, then. I desperately needed money, but someone I worked with talked me out of it. But, I could make so much money and probably pay all my debt before leaving. Also, it would easily work around my current job. I am so torn. It's also the only job I am confident in my ability to obtain quickly, and without much strife. What do you all think I should do?
Instead of trying to get help through billing maybe try administration or the switchboard and tell them you want to be connected with someone who can help you. I'll see if I can find my old paper work to get the exact names of the departments and the various programs, but I know they're out there. You might also try the health or welfare department at the local or county government levels. I remember it was hard getting information but my mother had friends who worked for the government in another county who told me what to ask for and once I broke through the wall there were different options. I can get flaky sometimes when I get busy so don't hesitate to contact me through e-mail, if you want I'll send you my number and you can rattle my cage that way. I'll send you my mother's number, she lives for this shit.
I'm glad you decided against stripping, not that I have anything against strippers, it just seems like a lot of pressure you don't need. Ofcourse, any second job at a time like this is a lot of pressure you don't need, but stripping just brings so much m ore baggage.
Where you going to go to school? What are you going to be when you grow up? (I usually answer 'a lot older' when people ask me this)