Okay, so yeah... I hate this place even more. I got all of my money and my bank card stolen today. Yippy!
How am I going to pay my bills? It was almost all in cash because I work for tips. I want to go home...

As for my prison time. I was a drug addict for 6 years. Crystal meth was all the rage at the dance school I went to. Not only was I a dancer but I was in many other activities. Most of them to please my mother. I was in beauty pagents from age 2 to 18. I played the piano, flute and violin. I was trained in Classic European music. I took French, German and Latian lessons. Voice lessons from age 6 to 18. I was a competitive cheerleader. The list goes on and on. The stress got to be so much. A girl at my dance school offered it to both me and my sister.
Anyways I was compleatly living on the stuff by the time I was 18. When I graduated we moved to the city closest to our home town. I started dating a boy who sold to me. By then I was so addicted that my habit was more expensive than I could afford. So I started having sex for drugs. I was also trasporting large amounts of drugs from the town my boyfriend lived in to the town I lived in. There was a drug raid on an apartment building that I was in, getting drugs. The boys I was with told the police I was a prostitute and that I had drugs in my car.
I was charged with salictation, posestion with intent to sell and warehousing. Did I mention it was large amounts of drugs I had. Fortunately for me I had a leaniant Judge who got me into a rehab program. As long as I narked on all my friends.
So there's my story.