I have recently become homeless and am to unwell to continue working I'm wondering if any of you beautiful people would play a role in go fund me. All my love 💕
I'm so excited to have one of my favourite shoots hit mr two days before my birthday I can't wait for you all to see it and then only a week after my bed room set that was amazing to shoot goes up I hope use all enjoy them as much as I did having them taken >.<
only two days until mirror mirror goes live one of my favourite shoots i have done i cant wait for you all to be able to see it >.<
im interested to no what makes you want to buy a set? do most of you buy them? if so why not if you enjoy them so much
this smoke filled room with the slight glow from distend faitylighs is not enough to fill the gap you have left. i need you now more then ever
im horrible with keeping up with my page seeing as im now using a broken phone that only takes credit. but i finally have the chance to a computer and would love to chat with all off you!