Good happy Friday morning! (From California US!) I am in a great mood with a smile on my face! No real reason, I’m just feeling great! Circumstances may not be the best around me right now, but I’ve finally learned a way to not let it all affect me. People can be difficult and I’ve learned you can’t always bring others to view life from...
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Thank you for the good wishes. I am glad you are feeling amazing today
@pointman11 Yes, thank you!

Hey guys and girls. We've had our weekend but we're back. (I know it's TUESDAY! Lol) Sometimes it takes a day or so to get fully back in the new week grove...for me at least. Monday are all about getting back to work on everything I had to set aside on the weekend. If it were up to me I'd work every day because I...
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Going LIVE @4:30 PST.

No I won’t turn on the camera and do my make up.

No I won’t turn on the camera and act like it’s not there.

If you’ve seen my LIVEs you know I’m worth the bandwidth. Lmao. That’s because I LOVE all of you and I LOVE being here! I LOVE INTERACTING with you all so so much.

I will see...
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Yup... As promised I am late! LOL be on at 5:10!!
@chefjake78 Awe have you?? Dang I’m sorry to you and everybody here...I was away for quite sometime. Life stepped in the way an everything else had to take a back seat. But....I do have a set coming soon 😍
Quite the lovely tush

Hey all! This last week I have been (no surprise) busy af so I haven’t been able to stop by and say hello! Wondered how everyone’s doing?!? I posted a pic for ya....nothing “sexy” by any means.. Just bein a goof.. 🤪 Anyone from the states? How was your 4th? Not from the states? I’m sure you had to work...? 😭 Either way today is...
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