Ok - blog time. I hear you, "about time too!!" I know I've been so lazy. However, I do have a pretty good excuse.
Just over a month ago we get a phone call from my husbands ex and her "man" about my teenage stepdaughter. Apparently her behaviour is unacceptable and they are throwing her out of the house. Can she stay with us for a while? Of course we said yes. I've loved the kid as my own since she was 18months old. Though I had to ask myself what could possibly be so bad about her behaviour, she doesn't swear drink or smoke. She's not having sex yet, her school reports are good.....
So she comes to stay with us and we sit her down for a little chat. "what's going on?" We ask. Turns out she's been seeing a boy from the local youth club for a few months. She's pushing boundaries as teenagers tend to do and not coming home on time. I shake my head "you're not telling us everything. Your fool mother hasn't kicked you out for coming in late." Of course its not so simple. This boy is not a boy but a girl who is living as a boy, going for regular counselling with a view to having the operation in the future. We are very liberal parents. We want what our kids want but I have to admit that this one worried even me.
How would this affect her? Does she even know if she's straight or gay? Will she regret this later? Etc etc. We asked what her mum thought of this, being catholic and all. "She said its against the law of the church." I almost choked on my tea at this point but was saved from answering by my husband who said "your mum cant stop throwing the church in your face. She's got two kids by two different dads and she never married any of them. The church frowns upon that too!!" At this point the tension broke and we all screamed with laughter. I eventually asked "how do you see this person? Boyfriend? Girlfriend? What?" I could have cried when she said "I just love Charlie. (yes that's his name lol) I love the person. I don't think about the rest."
All my doubts went out of the window at this point. I was so proud of her. Who are we to tell her who to love? Love is love. Moral of this story - leave your issues on the floor. Its our job as parents to guide our children, but sometimes they teach us some wonderful lessons also.
Much love your Charlie ❤