ok ok ok...so i've been doing journal entries with the words and profile info of various Charleses, Charlies, and chucks...we interrupt that transmission to bring you words from THIS charlie:
i'm on a very slow internet connection, and while I wait, I pulled out this issue of the new york, to see who the "Malcolm X of Feminism" was, thinking it might be Solanis or someone i know, and I open it up to this article about Andrea Dworkin. Rape is fucked, yeah, and there are a lot of pornstars who make women look bad (primarily by being boring), but as much as I'm happy that people can go off and believe whateve the fuck they want, and hopefully, they'll argue with me (a poke in the eye makes you see stars, you know), I say, fuck protesting porn, and sex sure as hell isn't the rape of women (as long as we don't let it be). Own your fucking sexuality, that's up to you, and your self knowledge...the more power we give to abstract article "the men", the more power it'll have over you, so take responsibility for your shit (note that this rant is directed towards a dead woman, yeah, I'm a jerk)...anyway, I am back, because getting paid to dress up like a superhero in my keks isn't so bad at all, but i do remind you to keep in mind that you're interacting with a system here, and that falling on your ass off of you bike is much more fun than that
. Thank y'all fo the kindly words, I'm done now. Oh, and P.S., miss Apnea is just as lovely in person.
i'm on a very slow internet connection, and while I wait, I pulled out this issue of the new york, to see who the "Malcolm X of Feminism" was, thinking it might be Solanis or someone i know, and I open it up to this article about Andrea Dworkin. Rape is fucked, yeah, and there are a lot of pornstars who make women look bad (primarily by being boring), but as much as I'm happy that people can go off and believe whateve the fuck they want, and hopefully, they'll argue with me (a poke in the eye makes you see stars, you know), I say, fuck protesting porn, and sex sure as hell isn't the rape of women (as long as we don't let it be). Own your fucking sexuality, that's up to you, and your self knowledge...the more power we give to abstract article "the men", the more power it'll have over you, so take responsibility for your shit (note that this rant is directed towards a dead woman, yeah, I'm a jerk)...anyway, I am back, because getting paid to dress up like a superhero in my keks isn't so bad at all, but i do remind you to keep in mind that you're interacting with a system here, and that falling on your ass off of you bike is much more fun than that
