i woke up
this is killing us
go look someone in the eyes
go outside go to a library
quit fucking up your ego we're damaged enough as it is
im done
let the novelty wear off
this is killing us
go look someone in the eyes
go outside go to a library
quit fucking up your ego we're damaged enough as it is
im done
let the novelty wear off
Hello .....anyone home...*knock Knock* ............ aww poo
The history of all math, science, etc, is closely tied in with religions. The shape, orientation, and proportions of the pyramids all have to with transition into the afterlife. Study of the stars was to create a calendar for planting, and for religious events. Chemistry comes from alchemy, which is a layer cake of cultures and religious beliefs. It's all about reaching for something higher. Take any department in any university, and you will find rituals and jargon like any church, mosque, synagogue, vijara, etc. It's all about formalizing the human need for understanding. The brain needs the rules to store and organize information, and sycophants evolved to manage those rules. What if someone changed the rules?