things im considering--
-sophistic language gets people a whole lot angrier than poetic language does.
-if its a truly brutal misconception that the ancient egyptians did not use their geometric knowledge in a sacred way (they came up with the "pythagorean theorem" a long time before he did-they used it in agriculture)....trigonemtry in 3d, the pyramid, fire in the platonic solids, and the astronomical alignment of said pyramids suggests that geometry wasnt strictly utilitarian, at least that it had cosmic application if not abstraction.
-the power of submission (and i dont mean in an s and m way goddammit)
-why so many people associate algebra and our numeric system with the greeks when it came from arabia (al jabar)
-i've got so fucking much more to learn
-sophistic language gets people a whole lot angrier than poetic language does.
-if its a truly brutal misconception that the ancient egyptians did not use their geometric knowledge in a sacred way (they came up with the "pythagorean theorem" a long time before he did-they used it in agriculture)....trigonemtry in 3d, the pyramid, fire in the platonic solids, and the astronomical alignment of said pyramids suggests that geometry wasnt strictly utilitarian, at least that it had cosmic application if not abstraction.
-the power of submission (and i dont mean in an s and m way goddammit)
-why so many people associate algebra and our numeric system with the greeks when it came from arabia (al jabar)
-i've got so fucking much more to learn
As for sophists, I am one, or more to the point I am captious. I find that this drives humans away with the exception of my dear friend Jessica. Our arrogant and loquacious dialogues hang thick in the air with a certain presumptuous elitism. It gets me through the day. Poetic oration is just as amusing if applied correctly. I enjoy using an amalgam of Shakespearian late Middle English, modern garrulous philosophical musing, and circularly enigmatic Zen Buddhist enlightenment/apathy. Using this combination I can successfully frustrate any person regardless of intellectual aptitude. It helps that all I do is sit in our tutoring office engaging fellow tutors in verbal ballets and skirmishes.
To submit ones self and trust completely . . . Amazing
No drug approximates this. Thus, it becomes a dangerous game. Reference NIN lyrics: Closer, Perfect Drug, Something I Can Never Have, and Hurt.