Been posting all over on the interweb....digging up lots of old negatives too.
see stuff here, at my superselfindulgent cosplay blog , and here, a shared blog i post to anonymously. Remember this?

The above images are copyright of suicidegirls, I just wanted to show what the film looks like, yes, that set was shot ON FILM. As was my first set, actually. I am considering making prints from that set on Kodak Metallic paper, people like them so much....
Speaking of which, just printed a bunch of newer work for an exhibition im having in New York in mid is a prototype for the flier:

Smoking is fun, but its:

(thats an excerpt from a recent shoot i did for Baby Pandas suicide club, working on those tonight. Im in a frenzy of producing work and communicating right now, sleeping a lot, watching plenty of cartoons, and practicing the inverted booty clap (that shit is hard). Made a very heartfelt post here recently that explains my current state, healing from weird skin problems, etc. I spilled hot chocolate on my keyboard, so youll have to forgive my lack of apostrophes.
lost my delete as well. sigh.
xoxoxo goodnight suicideland
see stuff here, at my superselfindulgent cosplay blog , and here, a shared blog i post to anonymously. Remember this?

The above images are copyright of suicidegirls, I just wanted to show what the film looks like, yes, that set was shot ON FILM. As was my first set, actually. I am considering making prints from that set on Kodak Metallic paper, people like them so much....
Speaking of which, just printed a bunch of newer work for an exhibition im having in New York in mid is a prototype for the flier:

Smoking is fun, but its:

(thats an excerpt from a recent shoot i did for Baby Pandas suicide club, working on those tonight. Im in a frenzy of producing work and communicating right now, sleeping a lot, watching plenty of cartoons, and practicing the inverted booty clap (that shit is hard). Made a very heartfelt post here recently that explains my current state, healing from weird skin problems, etc. I spilled hot chocolate on my keyboard, so youll have to forgive my lack of apostrophes.

xoxoxo goodnight suicideland
your set is fantastic. i follow your work on you ju ju mechanix blog. i love your photographs so much, ugh, thank you for being a human being.
you are one of my favorite *heart*