ha ha there are some opinionated motherfuckers on this site.. excellent ..thanks to all for everything from the satire to the saccharin...yes so the set is up...and word up to the sacred geometry dorks like me who are down w/ the golden ratio/spiral....its interesting, fibonacci realized and embraced the infinitesimal properties of the golden ratio, while
pythagoreans desperately feared the infite (it really fucked with their geometric dogma and conception of the universe)...not to hate on pythagorus, although he was killed due to his hatred of beans. (seriously). well its time for a nap and then back to getting the art junky work a holic cruci-fix on.
pythagoreans desperately feared the infite (it really fucked with their geometric dogma and conception of the universe)...not to hate on pythagorus, although he was killed due to his hatred of beans. (seriously). well its time for a nap and then back to getting the art junky work a holic cruci-fix on.
OH MY GOD, I LOVE YOU. You are one of my favs now....

Wow, you are a hot little ball of fire.
Love your set, sweetie.