mmm did you all kno that fucking woodrow wilson was a supporter of eugenics, and that most of the funding that went into nazi eugenic research/ atroscity came from the fucking carnegie foundation in the U.S.?
To all the girls in canada word up to you im surrounded by mediocrity and hypocracy in the US
not everywhere tho thass whats great about this site...all these fine lookin intelligent women with good shit to say and mad beauty to boot
communities like this help keep you positive in the face of the bullshit ahoy
we gots to keep our heads up
To all the girls in canada word up to you im surrounded by mediocrity and hypocracy in the US
not everywhere tho thass whats great about this site...all these fine lookin intelligent women with good shit to say and mad beauty to boot
communities like this help keep you positive in the face of the bullshit ahoy
we gots to keep our heads up
Leonardo Pisano (AKA Fibonacci) from the the latin filius Bonacci meaning the son of Bonaccio, his fathers name being Guglielmo Bonaccio.
Your not gonna believe this but I've had that same tat. in the same place for like 16 years now.
Oh and, I think I love you, can I tie you up?
[Edited on Nov 18, 2003 3:55PM]
"Eugenicists were embarrassed by Hitler. After the war, they instituted various strategies to cover up the collaboration that had existed between German, American, and English eugenicists. For example, they adopted a policy of "crypto-eugenics" (or secret eugenics) and founded cover organizations like the Population Council and the International Planned Parenthood Federation to carry out their aims. There is little evidence, however, that American and English eugenicists learned any lesson from the German debacle -- except where public relations was at stake."
The process is pointless. Diversity spawns improvement.
Some people are so stupid with their intelligence.
P2's ROCK!