Hi there. Been a minute, and I apologize for that. Between having to get stuff done on my house before the cold really kicked in and just not handling treatment very well any longer, I'm finding myself either not well enough to do anything or just having too much to do on days I feel well. On a positive note, had eval scans and there is no sign of the cancer. Hooray! So I'm down to eight weeks of chemo and three weeks of radiation after a small break between the two. Thank god, cuz I'm not sure how much more of this shit I can take.
With being down a lot I've been watching a lot of TV. Is anyone else totally stoked for Black Sails? I'm so excited to finally see pirates done some justice.
Well I'll work on some good teaser pictures for you guys on a good day very soon. Haven't got around to shooting another set with the way things have been going, but am hopeful I will shoot before spring.
Almost time for another bottle of American honey too!!