Beautiful night here in Colorado following a 99 degree day. Got a nice long walk in, and watered my poor thirsty grass. All this hot dry air is making it difficult to keep the plush green grass I normally keep, maybe that's more the watering restrictions than anything, who knows?
I also am excited that i had my first "O" since my cancer was re diagnosed, all the drugs they put you on can make climax very difficult. Gotta love that good old back massager HA.
Well now that I have shared too much, I hope you all are enjoying your Spring, Summer is just around the corner.
Always try to have a super yummy day!!!!!
oh, I totally just found this picture, really poor quality, but these were my boys!!!! I miss them so much
I also am excited that i had my first "O" since my cancer was re diagnosed, all the drugs they put you on can make climax very difficult. Gotta love that good old back massager HA.
Well now that I have shared too much, I hope you all are enjoying your Spring, Summer is just around the corner.
Always try to have a super yummy day!!!!!
oh, I totally just found this picture, really poor quality, but these were my boys!!!! I miss them so much
Ahhh puppies!