Hey everybody. I'm terribly sorry I have not been here in a while. I have had a few days that I couldn't even bring myself to get out of bed let alone get on the Internet, even with the convenience of my iPad.. On a positive note I have also has several days that I feel just fine which is more than I could say for the last time I had to go through all of this.
It is a beautiful day out side today and I intend to spend at least an hour in e warm sun light. The news says that between tonight and tomorrow we are supposed to get about 9 inches of snow so I better enjoy the sun before I'm stuck inside again.
Because of all the co-pays I currently have to pay I had to turn my cable off temporarily and only have Netflix and my movie collection. I didn't realize how much I took channel surfing for granted. It sucks not being able to watch all my favorite tv shows. Until this morning I hadn't watched the news in about three weeks until I realized I could watch it on my iPad with my 9news app. Total blonde experience, I didn't even think to do that.
Well that's enough boring for now. I just wanted to let you all know what was going on and apologize for not being around.
Hope you all are having a yummy day.
It is a beautiful day out side today and I intend to spend at least an hour in e warm sun light. The news says that between tonight and tomorrow we are supposed to get about 9 inches of snow so I better enjoy the sun before I'm stuck inside again.
Because of all the co-pays I currently have to pay I had to turn my cable off temporarily and only have Netflix and my movie collection. I didn't realize how much I took channel surfing for granted. It sucks not being able to watch all my favorite tv shows. Until this morning I hadn't watched the news in about three weeks until I realized I could watch it on my iPad with my 9news app. Total blonde experience, I didn't even think to do that.
Well that's enough boring for now. I just wanted to let you all know what was going on and apologize for not being around.
Hope you all are having a yummy day.
I hope that all the future days will be as fine as those few good ones, if not even better. 

Snow days are great days to snuggle up naked under a blanket, indeed... but ANY day can be a great day to do just that as well!!! Hang in there, my Beautiful One... for that snuggling is much more fun than ANYTHING on cable... and oh-so-much less expensive! Enjoy!