It's going be be a fun next couple of days! I went to the ER at about 2:30am yesterday morning for back pain so severe it literally makes me sick. After a ct scan they told me I have a "lesion" on my t10 vertebrae. The way they described it would be more of a mass than a lesion, but no matter what they call it there is something there and it's causing major pain, not the movie, hehe. I get to go to the doctor again this morning to see what happens next. They gave me dilaudid for the pain if that says how bad it is. The downfall to that is first, I don't even like to take Tylenol, but to top the stuff makes me just as sick as the pain does. So it pretty much doesn't do me any good unless I can keep it down, and if I don't it makes the pain even worse from the actual act of tossing my cookies. Sorry for the terrible visual of my self to you all, but I just wanted to let you know what was going on, so if I'm not updating much you might understand. Crappy few weeks, first the flu and now this that started while I had the flu. Yucky day for me, I hope you all have a far more yummy day!
Here is a cleavage shot if it makes you feel any better, always makes me smile and they are my boobs.

Here is a cleavage shot if it makes you feel any better, always makes me smile and they are my boobs.

Hope you are feeling better
AY dios mio, I hope you get better