YEAH Friday, Finally!
Ive been feeling so useless this week at work.
All my work on the project is about done, but the one guy still has LOTS to do.
So i tried helping out, but splitting the work caused more problems than it solved.
So, now im concerned a bit. We're supposed to be finished and doing testing now, but the guys is still building on the program
I dont know what to do anymore, Im so tired of this whole project and company even.
I feel like im wasting my life away there. Im 26 years old, in 4 years I'll be 30. and what significant things have I achieved?
Not Much.
I have a vision of something I want to build. its really geeky, so bear with me here
I use Ubuntu(SA Linux Operating System) all day every day at work. and I just love it, its brilliant.
Except when im at home, my home PC is running WIndows XP.
but here's where the problem is, like with all Linux based Operating Systems, they function great on their own and within the community, but most of the popular vendors dont cater for the Linux environment.
They build mainly for Windows, maybe Mac.
So this leaves a GAP, This is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. the good thing is that because Linux works a different architecture, its not vulnerable to all the flaws and attacks that affect windows. which is cool.
But then again, because of this fact, it cant tie into the mainstream media. I cant buy something off the rack and install it. its not gonna work.
SO, my vision is to build a Linux distribution that supports the same file system architecture as windows.
If I can do this, you would have the stability and security of the underlying Linux kernel, same GUI, but with a different file system architecture. which can work with any windows software Natively.
This doesnt mean that you need to run ntfs on it, but you can then still get the features of EXT3/4 but it just handles the files differently
Oh ja, and here's another thing, I want to go Snowboarding in the Alps before I'm 30.
Ive been feeling so useless this week at work.
All my work on the project is about done, but the one guy still has LOTS to do.
So i tried helping out, but splitting the work caused more problems than it solved.
So, now im concerned a bit. We're supposed to be finished and doing testing now, but the guys is still building on the program
I dont know what to do anymore, Im so tired of this whole project and company even.
I feel like im wasting my life away there. Im 26 years old, in 4 years I'll be 30. and what significant things have I achieved?
Not Much.
I have a vision of something I want to build. its really geeky, so bear with me here
I use Ubuntu(SA Linux Operating System) all day every day at work. and I just love it, its brilliant.
Except when im at home, my home PC is running WIndows XP.
but here's where the problem is, like with all Linux based Operating Systems, they function great on their own and within the community, but most of the popular vendors dont cater for the Linux environment.
They build mainly for Windows, maybe Mac.
So this leaves a GAP, This is sometimes a good thing and sometimes a bad thing. the good thing is that because Linux works a different architecture, its not vulnerable to all the flaws and attacks that affect windows. which is cool.
But then again, because of this fact, it cant tie into the mainstream media. I cant buy something off the rack and install it. its not gonna work.
SO, my vision is to build a Linux distribution that supports the same file system architecture as windows.
If I can do this, you would have the stability and security of the underlying Linux kernel, same GUI, but with a different file system architecture. which can work with any windows software Natively.
This doesnt mean that you need to run ntfs on it, but you can then still get the features of EXT3/4 but it just handles the files differently
Oh ja, and here's another thing, I want to go Snowboarding in the Alps before I'm 30.
Lots of love
ME xxx