My inspiration for "Hell Knight" came from a lot of influences...from video games to Stephen King to anime to Hong Kong action films. Primary among those influences are Hong Kong action film actresses who starred in a sub-genre called 'Girls With Guns' films from the mid-1980's to the early 1990's. Actresses like Yukari Oshima, Moon Lee, Cynthia Rothrock, Sharon Yeung, Cynthia Khan, and more famously Michelle Yeoh. I'll be the first to admit: watching a beautiful woman kick serious ass is cooler and sexier than most things I can take the time to watch. And these were women who kicked ass and were tough without losing their femininity, unlike Linda Hamilton in "T2".
And if you don't believe in the appeal of a beautiful woman in action, watch "Azumi".
Yukari Oshima in particular, when she played a nameless samurai in "Shanghai Express" aka "Millionaires' Express" in 1986, was the beginning of my inspiration to create Yuki, the lead character of "Hell Knight". Other influences followed to guide me to devising what kind of character she would be, and more importantly her story.
And if you don't believe in the appeal of a beautiful woman in action, watch "Azumi".
Yukari Oshima in particular, when she played a nameless samurai in "Shanghai Express" aka "Millionaires' Express" in 1986, was the beginning of my inspiration to create Yuki, the lead character of "Hell Knight". Other influences followed to guide me to devising what kind of character she would be, and more importantly her story.
It's been ok. I have this headache though, that won't seem to go away.
yeah i've been keepin busy as can be lately, belated welcome!