It's hard to figure where to really get this blog rolling. I already have a blog going on MySpace, and there I talk about my novel "Hell Knight". For those in the STL Group, however, I can tell about something ongoing that's giving me fits.
See, I'm an amatuer photographer as well as a writer, and I'm looking for a local model for the cover of my novel. I'm having fits, though, because it ain't easy! Let me describe my situation to those in STL: I need a lady, regardless of experience, who is physically similar to the main character of my novel, Yuki...Asian-American, and between 25 and 40 years of age. Everything else for the shoot I can go out of my way to provide...unfortunately, without a model I'm pretty much screwed, and those who have shown interest either proved to be unavailable, not right for the shoot, or for some other reason. I even placed an ad in the RFT, but that went nowhere fast...
*sigh!* But the model search will march has to if I want a cover for my novel!
Other than that, everything's going great.
To be continued...
(And a special hello and thanks to my new friends here at SG!)
See, I'm an amatuer photographer as well as a writer, and I'm looking for a local model for the cover of my novel. I'm having fits, though, because it ain't easy! Let me describe my situation to those in STL: I need a lady, regardless of experience, who is physically similar to the main character of my novel, Yuki...Asian-American, and between 25 and 40 years of age. Everything else for the shoot I can go out of my way to provide...unfortunately, without a model I'm pretty much screwed, and those who have shown interest either proved to be unavailable, not right for the shoot, or for some other reason. I even placed an ad in the RFT, but that went nowhere fast...
*sigh!* But the model search will march has to if I want a cover for my novel!
Other than that, everything's going great.

To be continued...
(And a special hello and thanks to my new friends here at SG!)
If you're interested, here's the address:
Check it out!