I was buying drinks earlier today @ Costco for my party on friday, and had my godson Garette with me. So I look at him and "blast off" with the cart (which is full of drinks mind you). All the drink slide back and the HUGE Jose Cuervo bottle breaks
, in the middle of the alcohol isle.
So embarrassing =\.
My brother Chris...
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I was buying drinks earlier today @ Costco for my party on friday, and had my godson Garette with me. So I look at him and "blast off" with the cart (which is full of drinks mind you). All the drink slide back and the HUGE Jose Cuervo bottle breaks

So embarrassing =\.
My brother Chris...
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like a year since my last blog post
just saw transformers 2 on imax
and i walked out of the theater feeling great!
kind of like i was buzzin it really
which was weird
went to BJ's afterward and had a good time
with my brothers and uncles.
was a good night =]
like a year since my last blog post
just saw transformers 2 on imax
and i walked out of the theater feeling great!
kind of like i was buzzin it really
which was weird
went to BJ's afterward and had a good time
with my brothers and uncles.
was a good night =]
Oh wow,
How does traffic school suck
even if i'm taking it online
and not really reading it
i still feel like it's taking up too much time
oh well
i should pass flying colors
CTRL+S baby
How does traffic school suck
even if i'm taking it online
and not really reading it
i still feel like it's taking up too much time
oh well
i should pass flying colors
CTRL+S baby

Thanks for the comment on my Lunch Lady set!

Was nice to meet you too lol 

So this last weekend I went to the Toyota Gransd Prix.
THAT SHIT WAS TIGHT! It was soo much fun
Then Saturday night, Pennywise played.
So that was really fun, moshpit the size of 2 1/2 basketball courts...
Luckily I only walked out with a swollen thumb...
2 guys in wheelchairs were also there
One of them only really had movement in his right hand!!!!...
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THAT SHIT WAS TIGHT! It was soo much fun
Then Saturday night, Pennywise played.
So that was really fun, moshpit the size of 2 1/2 basketball courts...
Luckily I only walked out with a swollen thumb...
2 guys in wheelchairs were also there
One of them only really had movement in his right hand!!!!...
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gas these days friggin' suxXx!
I'm driving about 35 miles to work on way
And with a damn Ford Ranger,
In the last 4 weeks I've Spent $375 in gas
I know
So I've decided to get a motorcycle
I'm about 4 months shy of paying off my truck
then those payments will become motorcycle payments
and I think i should save opn gas,...
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I'm driving about 35 miles to work on way
And with a damn Ford Ranger,
In the last 4 weeks I've Spent $375 in gas
I know

So I've decided to get a motorcycle
I'm about 4 months shy of paying off my truck
then those payments will become motorcycle payments
and I think i should save opn gas,...
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so i haven't posted on here in SUCH a long time
girlfriend is taking up my time man!
She's coming btwn SG/Working out and I
before, we was like DIS SON! (crosses fingers)
lol, well it's cool
I'm back!
and trying to post more often
i think it's that i need to write
and not JUST write
write with good grammar and crap
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so i haven't posted on here in SUCH a long time
girlfriend is taking up my time man!
She's coming btwn SG/Working out and I
before, we was like DIS SON! (crosses fingers)
lol, well it's cool
I'm back!
and trying to post more often
i think it's that i need to write
and not JUST write
write with good grammar and crap
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So I'm framing my second framing certificate
one of my certificates is counter assesment
and the other is Production
I dont know which one i've done yet
but i'm sure you've seen the spider-man
here's the drawing idea for what I'm doing
Face is me of course, and the canvas and paint brushes to show what I like to do.
Gonna paint Christy since...
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one of my certificates is counter assesment
and the other is Production
I dont know which one i've done yet
but i'm sure you've seen the spider-man
here's the drawing idea for what I'm doing
Face is me of course, and the canvas and paint brushes to show what I like to do.
Gonna paint Christy since...
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Wii? thats awesome if you want a workout. I'm more of a 360 fan.
I love your work that I've seen
acrylic fun =]
Cut my hair =|
love it long
but took way too much gel
and gel on my hair touching the back of my neck feels gross
love it long
but took way too much gel
and gel on my hair touching the back of my neck feels gross
Over Time