I had a fun Christmas. I won a "Major Award" (re: the movie "A Christmas Story"), and now the lamp graces the front window in my dining room right next to my Red Ryder BB-gun. My sister got it for me. She played it to the hilt--a fake telegram announcing my award and a delivery to the front door. I identify totally with that movie because I was a kid during the same period portrayed, and the house, the funace fighter, the walk to school, etc., mirrored my own childhood. I even got a Red Ryder BB-gun at about Ralphie's age, and it too was hidden until the very end of opening presents. What can I say? My family enjoys Christmas, and we make it as much fun as possible.
I would be more inclined to compare GWB to the last years of Leonid Brezhnev's rule of the USSR, when his personality cult started to fall apart. But even at the end, Brezhnev was more cunning and intelligent than GWB.
Look here, mister! I want an update, telling me alll the wonderful things goin on in your life! I give u exactly 3 days! Ok a week.