I got this email yesterday from a random address. It was entitled "unsanitary". Someone please break it down for me:
This time no Fascists appeared, and we stayed too longand were caught by the dawn. We have got toface bombing, hunger, overwork, influenza, boredom and treacherous peaceoffers.
Manifestly it is a time to stiffen morale. It is a living contradiction of all the infallible dogmas of Fascism.
These thingsreally happened, that is the thing to keep ones eye on.
We have become too civilized to grasp theobvious.
What is the use of saying that we need federal world control of the air? But unfortunately the equation of science withcommon sense does not really hold good. What most struck me was that he barely attempted to protest hisinnocence. It would be betterto be sure on that point before frivolously siding with the enemy. But unfortunately the equation of science withcommon sense does not really hold good. Behind thatscreaming little defective in Berlin there is nothing of the sort. We have become too civilized to grasp theobvious.
It is thebridge between the future and the past. It would not be true, even ifBritish democracy were incapable of evolving beyond its present stage.
ModernGermany is far more scientific than England, and far more barbarous.
In theintelligentsia I should say they result rather from money and merephysical safety. They were very hard onstealing in the militia, and in theory people could be shot for it. What most struck me was that he barely attempted to protest hisinnocence.
By democracy, of course, hemeant private capitalism.
It would contradict the world-view on which hisown works are based. It will abolish the Houseof Lords, but quite probably will not abolish the Monarchy.
Churchills estimate of theBolsheviks, however, was nearer the mark than Wellss. The sang-froid with which London faced the bombing of Madrid!
There is noquestion of stopping short, striking a compromise, salvaging democracy,standing still.
Hitler is all the war-lords andwitchdoctors in history rolled into one.
Churchills estimate of theBolsheviks, however, was nearer the mark than Wellss. It is astonishing how this illusion failsto die. I have little direct evidence about the atrocities in the Spanish civilwar.
Our real forces,physical, moral or intellectual, cannot be mobilised. By revolution we become more ourselves, not less.
Of course neither the cigars northe money were there; in fact he had not stolen them.
I name those particular men because I rememberthe faces of all of them. Yet our military experts discuss the waiting phantom. But unfortunately the equation of science withcommon sense does not really hold good.
This time no Fascists appeared, and we stayed too longand were caught by the dawn. We have got toface bombing, hunger, overwork, influenza, boredom and treacherous peaceoffers.
Manifestly it is a time to stiffen morale. It is a living contradiction of all the infallible dogmas of Fascism.
These thingsreally happened, that is the thing to keep ones eye on.
We have become too civilized to grasp theobvious.
What is the use of saying that we need federal world control of the air? But unfortunately the equation of science withcommon sense does not really hold good. What most struck me was that he barely attempted to protest hisinnocence. It would be betterto be sure on that point before frivolously siding with the enemy. But unfortunately the equation of science withcommon sense does not really hold good. Behind thatscreaming little defective in Berlin there is nothing of the sort. We have become too civilized to grasp theobvious.
It is thebridge between the future and the past. It would not be true, even ifBritish democracy were incapable of evolving beyond its present stage.
ModernGermany is far more scientific than England, and far more barbarous.
In theintelligentsia I should say they result rather from money and merephysical safety. They were very hard onstealing in the militia, and in theory people could be shot for it. What most struck me was that he barely attempted to protest hisinnocence.
By democracy, of course, hemeant private capitalism.
It would contradict the world-view on which hisown works are based. It will abolish the Houseof Lords, but quite probably will not abolish the Monarchy.
Churchills estimate of theBolsheviks, however, was nearer the mark than Wellss. The sang-froid with which London faced the bombing of Madrid!
There is noquestion of stopping short, striking a compromise, salvaging democracy,standing still.
Hitler is all the war-lords andwitchdoctors in history rolled into one.
Churchills estimate of theBolsheviks, however, was nearer the mark than Wellss. It is astonishing how this illusion failsto die. I have little direct evidence about the atrocities in the Spanish civilwar.
Our real forces,physical, moral or intellectual, cannot be mobilised. By revolution we become more ourselves, not less.
Of course neither the cigars northe money were there; in fact he had not stolen them.
I name those particular men because I rememberthe faces of all of them. Yet our military experts discuss the waiting phantom. But unfortunately the equation of science withcommon sense does not really hold good.
As for the letter,
someone's pathetic attempt at creative writing?
Love the new Prof Pic. You hunk you.