My cousin arrives from England in less than a week. She is 6 day's younger than me and we lived a street apart our whole childhoods.I'm excited. I have a whole bunch of Melbourne tradition's planned...Top on the list...Find Kylie Minogue's house and become best friends . I have the address so part one is taken care of

Me in the middle, Hayley on your right
Apart from that still in Kitten heaven

It's the only thing i update anything about...don't care!Instagram @neffabelle
Apart from that, summers been hot hot hot here in Melbourne, but i'm glad it's finally started to cool.
So a few gig's Elvis Costello was awesome, Iggy pop is coming up. Stone Roses ain't gonna happen unless i can get an extra ticket for said cousin .
The shoe fairy visited me in my sleep

That's all i got.
Love Charity x

Me in the middle, Hayley on your right

Apart from that still in Kitten heaven

It's the only thing i update anything about...don't care!Instagram @neffabelle

Apart from that, summers been hot hot hot here in Melbourne, but i'm glad it's finally started to cool.
So a few gig's Elvis Costello was awesome, Iggy pop is coming up. Stone Roses ain't gonna happen unless i can get an extra ticket for said cousin .
The shoe fairy visited me in my sleep

That's all i got.
Love Charity x
you look great!