What a crazy week, glad were all done, comp done, I'll update for real soon, so exhausted
I'll leave you with a new pic from the weekend
We got silver
Love Charity xxx
I'll leave you with a new pic from the weekend
We got silver

Love Charity xxx
If i didnt have appalling hair i'd pop across to Oz and get a mop chop! (I assume sky blue mtropolis mates rates would apply?!)
I now officially own a house! Apart from feeling old and/or grown up I now owe someone nealr 200k! Saying that at least I can now buy *insert pet of your choise here* and play guitar as loud as I like...
My sisiter will hopefully be ok; Shes undergone every test and scan possible (Im now grateful for the umpty million they spent rebuilding walsgrave hospital) and she gets her resutls tomorro so fingers crossed!
Stay safe and keep pushing back the boundaries of hair cutting!