yesterday we took a road trip. Eric and I both agreed that we needed to get the fuck out of dodge for a while and drive north until we found something pretty.. we did.
Eric almost fell through the ice taking this one:
We drove a few more minutes north and Eric pulled out the camera again:
and this was pretty amazing.. they were less than 10 feet away
once the sun started to set it got pretty cold but Eric had to get one last picture:
and of coures, as with any good family trip there is the ever typical fam pic:
----- additions of pictures that should have been added previously-------
The shoreline of Lake Superior at sunset
the horizon at sunset...
now the arty pictures.. these are amazing and show that my guy really should be a photographer.
the lighthouse from that angle is pretty amazing. I'm thinking of blowing this up and having it framed for my wall.
and this one is the reflection of the lighthouse in the window of the vistors center at Two Harbours

Eric almost fell through the ice taking this one:

We drove a few more minutes north and Eric pulled out the camera again:

and this was pretty amazing.. they were less than 10 feet away

once the sun started to set it got pretty cold but Eric had to get one last picture:

and of coures, as with any good family trip there is the ever typical fam pic:

----- additions of pictures that should have been added previously-------
The shoreline of Lake Superior at sunset

the horizon at sunset...

now the arty pictures.. these are amazing and show that my guy really should be a photographer.

the lighthouse from that angle is pretty amazing. I'm thinking of blowing this up and having it framed for my wall.
and this one is the reflection of the lighthouse in the window of the vistors center at Two Harbours

hope things are going better for ya