today my boss asked me why i colored my hair black, he asked if i was entering a 'dark period.'
i get so tired of people assuming that i do things like color my hair dark and paint my nails black because i'm dark and trying to be shocking.
a wonderfully brilliant and utterly beautfiul woman said to me that her wish was for people to not think she was trying to shock them, but for them to just not find her shocking anymore. her wisdom is amazing.
someday maybe people will think i'm not shocking.. maybe they'll think i'm just me.
i've known two people in my whole life that 'got' me. it'd be nice to maybe someday know three.
i just want to be this happy someday. just like her:

i get so tired of people assuming that i do things like color my hair dark and paint my nails black because i'm dark and trying to be shocking.
a wonderfully brilliant and utterly beautfiul woman said to me that her wish was for people to not think she was trying to shock them, but for them to just not find her shocking anymore. her wisdom is amazing.
someday maybe people will think i'm not shocking.. maybe they'll think i'm just me.
i've known two people in my whole life that 'got' me. it'd be nice to maybe someday know three.
i just want to be this happy someday. just like her:

i made fun of rainbow brite... i didn't make fun of your hair, silly!!!

i dunno. possibly this summer. ♥