five things to accomplish that are just for me before July:
1. small nostril screw on left side. pink jewel.
2. newest tattoo. on left ankle and top of left foot.
3. exerSIZE. hate that word, it's evil, but must be done.
4. hair, darker; perhaps black, longer.. pigtails are needed.
5. new clothing.. stuff that fits right in some other color besides black.
time to enter a 6 month period that is all about me. i'm going to be selfish and i'm ok with that. these are things i've wanted for a long time but have put off. no more. time to do a few things for me. these are not big things, no more than $2000 over a 6 month period. i'm not asking for the crown jewels here just a few things that will make me smile.
i'm taking my own advise. it's time for me time.
1. small nostril screw on left side. pink jewel.
2. newest tattoo. on left ankle and top of left foot.
3. exerSIZE. hate that word, it's evil, but must be done.
4. hair, darker; perhaps black, longer.. pigtails are needed.
5. new clothing.. stuff that fits right in some other color besides black.
time to enter a 6 month period that is all about me. i'm going to be selfish and i'm ok with that. these are things i've wanted for a long time but have put off. no more. time to do a few things for me. these are not big things, no more than $2000 over a 6 month period. i'm not asking for the crown jewels here just a few things that will make me smile.
i'm taking my own advise. it's time for me time.

You go girl! Goals are good

i am glad it's okay that there are pictures of your children on a porn site. i mean, with a daddy like eric and a mommy like you, they're be into porn in no time, right?