hubby is going to play poker tomorrow night with some guy friends and the girls are coming over here to eat junk food and watch chick flicks.
the kids will all play and be silly, we'll drink wine and talk about girl things.
sunday is laundry and cleaning day.
i love weekends like this. i get to spend it with my dearest girlfriends and my beautiful boys and then have all day sunday with my man.
i have no complaints at this very moment, right now, at the very second, i'm really happy.
the kids will all play and be silly, we'll drink wine and talk about girl things.
sunday is laundry and cleaning day.
i love weekends like this. i get to spend it with my dearest girlfriends and my beautiful boys and then have all day sunday with my man.
i have no complaints at this very moment, right now, at the very second, i'm really happy.

i have no fun weekends........
glad youre happy dear.
you should be
glad euphplayer is happy......
it doesnt mean four more years of certain unemployment and unhappiness stuck living with his mom/aunt/on the streets for him.