Monday Oct 25, 2004 Oct 25, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email i just got home from the dentist. i have to have all four wisdom teeth pulled out. someone kill me. VIEW 7 of 7 COMMENTS xanderphreak: I got mine pulled out one side at a time so I could still chew stuff with one side while the other healed I was happy to be rid of them they came out a few years ago, long overdue Oct 26, 2004 urblueygrl: i had it done a few years ago but i had a bad reaction to being put under. I felt like i was dyin and after vomitted for almost 8hrs. but other than the reaction it wasnt too too bad. Hope you have a better experience than me. Oct 26, 2004
I was happy to be rid of them
they came out a few years ago, long overdue