I didn't sleep very well last night.
I dreamt about my birth mother. She was lying in a bed, hooked up to machines and monitors. Her body was smaller than I remember and she looked frail. My sisters were crying in the chairs next to her bed.
I walked into her hospital room. She woke up. She laughed at me. She layed in her bed looking small, laughing at me.
At some point in my dream my surroundings changed.
I was sitting in a dark room, the only thing I could see was a single candle about 15 feet infront of me.
I got up, walked to the candle and blew it out.
Then I woke up.
I need someone to understand me.
I need to not feel invisible.
I dreamt about my birth mother. She was lying in a bed, hooked up to machines and monitors. Her body was smaller than I remember and she looked frail. My sisters were crying in the chairs next to her bed.
I walked into her hospital room. She woke up. She laughed at me. She layed in her bed looking small, laughing at me.
At some point in my dream my surroundings changed.
I was sitting in a dark room, the only thing I could see was a single candle about 15 feet infront of me.
I got up, walked to the candle and blew it out.
Then I woke up.
I need someone to understand me.
I need to not feel invisible.
the dream ended with me screaming "grandma" as loud and blood-curdlingly as one can possibly do.
so, we both had some delightfully ugly dreams... good times.