Brain damaged, I swear it. I have the inspector gadget song stuck in my head.. kill me now, please!
I'm supposed to be cleaning and doing laundry.. gee, I'm getting really far with that too... or, um, not.
Procrastinate much? Ya, think! Wait, did I even spell that right?
Who am I again? I need sleep.. or a vacation.. yah, a vacation.. that's the ticket!
How come they haven't found a way to implant a vacation in my head like they did in Total Recall? It would be cheaper and I wouldn't need to take any time off.. just a quick mind trip to Maui.. this is all I'm asking.
Hey.. are you people actually listening to me babble.. shit, you must be just as bored as I am. haha!
Cleaning time.. yuck. Someone come save me from my messy kitchen and loads of laundry... I'll pay you... cash, sexual favors.. you choose.
I'm supposed to be cleaning and doing laundry.. gee, I'm getting really far with that too... or, um, not.
Procrastinate much? Ya, think! Wait, did I even spell that right?
Who am I again? I need sleep.. or a vacation.. yah, a vacation.. that's the ticket!
How come they haven't found a way to implant a vacation in my head like they did in Total Recall? It would be cheaper and I wouldn't need to take any time off.. just a quick mind trip to Maui.. this is all I'm asking.
Hey.. are you people actually listening to me babble.. shit, you must be just as bored as I am. haha!
Cleaning time.. yuck. Someone come save me from my messy kitchen and loads of laundry... I'll pay you... cash, sexual favors.. you choose.
hey..great meeting you last night. you've got a great singin' voice, and a great pair of gams.

hey babe, i'm so glad you came out last night. make sure you tell your husband i love the flowers, and the simple fact that he gave ME flowers for taking you out. that's priceless.