This was the longest damn week I've had in a LONG time and I didn't even work on Monday..
Long day, paycheck is late, had to cancel road trip because of it, feel like getting wasted and going to bed early.
I am not in a great mood. I'll update later when I'm drunk and feeling more social.
This was the longest damn week I've had in a LONG time and I didn't even work on Monday..
Long day, paycheck is late, had to cancel road trip because of it, feel like getting wasted and going to bed early.
I am not in a great mood. I'll update later when I'm drunk and feeling more social.

i know the feeling about the bad mood ironically i always feel like i wanna be social then embarass myself hideously by 'whining' or whatever when really i just kinda want a taste of what everyone else has in most respects hehe *hugs*
fucking late paychecks ugh
yeah get some sleep yo
this has been a bad week for you so i hope the weekend brings in much better things